
I am a nerd…

And my superpower is helping techie and non-techie people understand each other.

I spend a lot of time figuring out how to use technology to enable us as creative individuals as well as designing technical things and leading others to build them. 

Things I love include Geeky Tech, Video Games, Memes, Food, Hanging out w/ friends, and movies with at least one of the following four: Aliens, Elves, Magic, or Powers.

Writing here is my attempt to contribute to the communities I want to be part of and seeing what kinds of interesting things happen.

On the personal side

I’m married to my best friend and we have 4 kids. In mid-2019, we sold our house, cars, and pretty much everything then moved from Dallas, Texas to a tropical island in the Caribbean.

Then a year later, while the world was on fire and under lockdown, we moved back to the US Mid-West where we currently live in a rural setting about 10 minutes from a college town.

(I still work full time thanks to the 1 Gig internet speed!)

David Crandall at the beach

( me )

It’s all about conversation

I started writing on this site as a communication point. There are a lot of conversations that I’d like to be part of. It’s one thing to post on Twitter or [[social media of choice]]. But there’s another level when you have your own website and post content for everyone to see. The stakes are higher and I want to be a part of those conversations.

For a list of the conversations I want to be part of, check out my Talking Points page. 

If you got this far say hi on Twitter or drop me an email! I’d love to hear from you!

Or just jump straight over to my posts to see if we like the same things.